Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan Teja’s big budget extravaganza — Magadheera — has created box-office history in its first week. The film has broken all records in the Telugu film industry by collecting a mind-boggling Rs 22 crores in its first week, a feat that has not been achieved by any other Telugu hero, including his dad! The film, directed by mass masala specialist SS Rajamouli, is based on reincarnation and revenge and has Ram Charan Teja and Kajal Aggarwal in the lead along with Srihari and Sunil. Added to this, there’s outstanding music by Keeravani.
The highlights of the film are its music, action, graphics, the screen presence of Ram Charan Teja and the total packaging of the film by Rajamouli. The film is also a big boost to Chiranjeevi, as his son has now been accepted as a mass hero. The latest we hear is that the film is going to be dubbed into Tamil as it has huge potential here too.
It is to be remembered that Ram’s dad Chiranjeevi had a huge following among Tamil audiences and most of his dubbed films became popular in the interior areas of Tamil Nadu for its mass elements.
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