Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Zero Range for Charan's Orange !

Chiranjeevi is known to have seriously warned Naga Babu and other publicity advisors to keep the hype as low as possible for ‘orange.’

Coming as very next movie to Ramcharan ‘Magadheera,’ maintenance of this kind of low hype or ‘Zero’ range for ‘orange’ was well handled by Naga Babu till now. Entering himself into the scene, Naga Babu is executing his strategy of focusing ‘orange’ in lower shades comparing with ‘Magadheera.’ As movie is a sweet and cute love story, heavy hype created may usually result in collapsing of movie with in first two to three weeks as seen with ‘Komaram Puli’ and ‘Khaleja.’

Movies like ‘orange’ are consistent runners in theatres and require no hoopla to surround it. Well, Chiranjeevi is quite happy with the way Naga Babu is handling the publicity of movie after failing as producer in controlling the budget. Hope it pays off the dividends after November 19.

Ramcharan HQ untouched Stills

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