Monday, November 1, 2010

Pawna Kalyan to be Arrested !

According to available information it is learnt that non bail bale arrest warrants has been issued by a court in Mehboobnagar district against Pawan Kalyan for failing to attend the court in the given period. Few months ago a case was filed against him by an advocate in Vanaparthi for using unparliamentary language against some congress leaders during last general elections. But, when Pawan challenged it in the High Court, the court has scrapped the case. Yet, the advocate who do not want to let him go free has filed another petition in the same court at Vanaparthi in Mehboobnagar. This time also the court served him notices asking him to appear before the court in person or represent himself with a lawyer. But, Pawan ignores the summons due to his work pressure. The court has considered it contempt of court and issued a non bail able arrest warrant against Pawan Kalyan on Monday that is today. How will Pawan react to this development is to be watched, since he is ready to leave for New Zealand very soon

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