Cast:Naga Siddharth, Ekta Khosla,Babu Mohan,Chandra Mohan,Dharmavarapu subramanyam,MS Narayana,Suman,Venumadhav
Producer : Dr G Nagaiah
Music & film Director : Vandemataram Srinivas
Story: Avinash (Naga Siddharth) is a carefree young man who hates rules and discipline. He joins an engineering college where the principal is a strict disciplinarian who is averse even to sports and serious about studies. The principal’s daughter Amrutha (Ekta Khosla) also studies in the same college does not believe in campus romance but finally falls in love with Avinash. The principal comes to know that his daughter is having a love affair but does not know with whom. Avinash telephones the principal and says he is the lover of his daughter and challenges him to find out who he is. The rest of the story deals with how the principal identifies Avinash that leads to a predictable conclusion.
New comers Naga Siddhart and Ekta Khosla fail to impress with their emoting or dialogue delivery. Chandra Mohan carries on with his usual composure. Dharmavarapu and MS Narayana try in vain to tickle the funny-bones. All others go through their motions.
The story is based on the premise that only studies on the campus will not make a student mature. But the way it is developed with contrived incidents makes a mockery of the theme and projects that indisciplined boys only succeed in love if they do some sort of good samaritan deeds. The screenplay is sloppy and adds to the woes of narration. Music and cinematography are ok.
Badmash is a typical commercial package with a soup of romance, college campus revelry and comedy.
eRojuStory's Verdict: It is better for Vandemataram Srinivas to confine himself to music direction and not venture into unknown territories like film direction. Badmash smashes the audience with insipid story-telling.
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