One of the leading news paper, Andhrajyothy has launched it's 24 hour television news channel. AJ had given tough competition to Eenadu but never got a chance to beat the giant Eenadu. ABN AJ channel also came under similar conditions where TV9 is the No.1 news channel in Andhra Pradesh. Would this beat or overcome TV9 in near future? It is difficult to say or conclude any thing on this now but one is sure ABN AJ is late in the game and definitely should sweat to run the channel.
ABN AJ has launched with big bang interviews with TDP chief Chandrababu and Maoist leader Ganapathi. To counter this TV9 Ravi prakash has brought or pulled TRS chief KCR to station and made him to speak bold and sensational. Usually Andhrajyothy paper comes up with sensational news and TV9 makes news sensational. That's why there are likely chances to have bad competition between these two channels. Being in print media, AJ may have little advantage in broadcasting some sensational views but we have to wait and see how far it can penetrate into electronic media.
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