Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Swine Flu Eats One-Third Population By 2012

If recession has been busy playing with lives and ruining them, here is one more that has been taking lives without any remorse. This is the Swine Flu epidemic which has been spreading in India like wildfire and already, it has gobbled up quite a number of lives across the nation.

Apparently, there is a Myth that by 2012, about one-third of the population will be wiped out due to the flu and what seemed like a myth is slowly turning out to be a reality. So far, there is no vaccine and no proper medication that has been introduced to combat this and the means to prevent it also have not been that effective. Doctors, nurses, IAS officers and many others are becoming victims of it and finding no other way other than death in many cases.

While the pharma companies are said to be busy working out ways and means since this would be better revenue getter, the fix is on over the authorities who are yet to be equipped with the infrastructure to handle such an epidemic. Only time will tell if the 2012 myth will become a reality or not.

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