Late chief minister Dr Y S Rajasekhara Reddy’s closest aide and adviser K V P Ramachandra Rao met Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and AICC General Secretary Digvijay Singh on Wednesday.
Mr Rao, regarded as the architect of the ‘Jagan for CM’ campaign, told journalists that Prime Minister would decide on Rajasekhara Reddy’s successor in consultation with AICC chief Sonia Gandhi and other senior leaders.
Rao said that the Prime Minister knows the state of affairs after the sudden demise of chief minister Rajasekhara Reddy. He said that the successor issue to the late chief minister should be discussed in the Congress high command meeting after the mourning period is over.
The Prime Minister had asked Rao about the health condition of YSR’s wife and other family members. He also asked Rao the supporters of Rajasekhara Reddy’s son, Jagan Mohan Reddy, and their opponents to avoid raking up the chief ministership issue during the mourning period for the former chief minister, who was killed in a helicopter accident.
Mr Rao, a Rajya Sabha member, was closeted with Mr Singh for more than 20 minutes. Earlier Mr Rao had a meeting with AICC chief Sonia Gandhi and informed about developments in the state on Tuesday.
Mr Rao said the Congress president asked him about the political situation following the death of Rajasekhara Reddy. She also enquired about the former Chief Minister’s family and how they were coping with the tragedy.
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