The rains are playing spoilsport in Kerala’,s Chalakudy jungle where Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai are shooting for Mani Ratnam’,s Raavana. The film’,s schedule has been badly hit by the torrential rains, making it difficult for Abhishek and Aishwarya to shoot. A source from the unit said, “,We are now shooting the sequence where Abhishek runs away with Aishwarya into the jungle. The shoot starts at 5am when both the actors report to the sets and the shoot goes on till the sun sets. The chase scenes in the jungle are anyway difficult and involve several underwater sequences. To make matters worse, shooting in the heavy rains is a big hindrance. It’,s raining nonstop making it difficult for Abhishek and Aishwarya to see clearly while running around. However, both actors are trying to do their best.”, A source close to Aishwarya said, “,Yes, it’,s a strenuous shoot schedule for Aishwarya because of the terrain and also because of the long hours she is putting in as she is shooting for the Tamil and Hindi version. The outdoor shoot is not easy as it involves dangerously big rocks and underwater sequences, which has her soaked throughout the day. The monsoons in Kerala are quite a fright. She is up at the crack of dawn and shoots till sun down.”, But then, who said that being actors is only about glamour and comfort?
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